is the world's leading oil painting reproduction and portrait studio.
A picture is worth 1,000 words. We added some words anyway
Whatever you desire to add to your home art collection. Whether it's a hand-painted oil painting reproduction on canvas of famous artwork in a museum, a personal portrait oil painting from your photograph for you, your family, or a pet portrait in oil from a photo of your faithful dog, beloved cat, or even a lovely home portrait . We can do it! From a fine art reproduction to a portrait in oil from your photos, this is what we do!
Now we do one more thing. We have introduced Made-to-Order, Custom works of art. What is it? It is a custom-commissioned hand-painted canvas oil painting of anything, any artist, past or present. We can do it! We have many ideas to show you on our custom oil painting page . Allow your imagination to see art in a brand-new way. Now, anything can be made into custom artwork from your photo and soon be hanging in your home.
As you look at the photographs below, you can see our artists are equipped and capable of painting and reproducing any art style, past or present, in any size. To help them create the famous oil paintings, they have all read the art movements and artist's biography ; to better understand the artist's life and mindset. From small canvases to large ones, the process is the same. They are all hand-painted, one at a time. Van Gogh did it that way, and we do it that way.
Reproduction Oil Paintings & Portraits on Canvas by Our Artists
The World's Artists at Work in Our Studio
How we Hand-Paint a Vincent Van Gogh Oil Painting Reproduction?
- The drawing: The artwork or a portrait, starts with an outline drawing in charcoal of the basic shapes.
- The undercoat: Following the drawing, we start with the key foundations of the background. Next we fill in the primary forms and colors with broad brushes, keeping the edges soft.
- The forms: At this stage, we begin building up the shapes, starting with the light colors first and then the dark colors, building up or reducing the hue intensity to create the depth. After painting each layer of color, it needs to dry.
- The texture: Using similar methods to those used by famous painters, we use brushes of various sizes and types to produce texture and any unique features to the painting..
- The details: Now, we work on the color density, shadow placement, background color effects, and other elements.
- Finished: We're not done with it yet. One of our senior artists will inspect and include more details if needed. The art now needs to dry before it is prepared for shipping to an appreciative art enthusiast. Every painting you see is 100% hand-painted on canvas.
More Interesting Information
We have produced a few Tilt-Shift Van Gogh photos, including photos of the actual locations matched up with his oil paintings, for your enjoyment in our Then and Now section .
The art canvas sizes we use are all standard sizes for easy framing. You can see more art in progress in our artists' painting reproductions. Finally, if you want to see a virtual painting on your wall in your home or office environment, check out the wall art mock-up photo . Once having purchased a painting, to keep it fresh and new looking, you can review the oil painting care section.