We Do Oil Painting Reproductions!
Peruse our extensive online art gallery collection with hundreds of acclaimed artists and thousands of reproduction oil paintings at your fingertips. All oil painting reproductions done at The Worlds Artist are 100% hand-painted, oil on canvas, painted by gifted oil painters. It is what we do!
Search by the famous artist, search by color, or search by subject. Read about the artists' lives in biographies and see their most renowned works of art. Read about the art movements and which painters belonged to which art movement. Look at our Then and Now photos , compare where famous landscape paintings were painted with present-day location photos and now with Tilt-Shift photos.
Browse our Reproduction Oil Paintings

How to Search for an Oil Painting Reproduction?
HINT Searching by Subject: Some of our hand-painted reproduction oil paintings on canvas cover a wide range of subjects. For example, if you are looking for a Seascape with a Sunset and a Shipwreck, it is under SEASCAPE with SHIPS - SUNSET if the primary focus is the sunset. When a shipwreck is the main focus, it is a SEASCAPE with SHIPS - SHIPWRECKS . Do a secondary search if you do not discover it during the first run-through.
Searching for a specific subject? If you see a few works of art from the same painter, there is a high possibility that the painter will have more paintings of the same subject matter. We compiled our search function for fine art reproductions by looking at each piece of art and figuring out what subject or color category it would best fit. Many were easy to classify, and many were not. Not every work of art is shown in the search, as it is constantly being refined and updated.
Using the SEARCH BOX: You do not need to capitalize or pluralize words. If you are not sure of the painting name, for example, The Gray Goose, enter just either Gray or Goose, all oil paintings with those words will appear. Also, many oil painting names were translated into English from their original name. So, it might be possible we have the painting, but not with the name you may be thinking of. If you cannot find the oil painting you are looking for, let us know we will search for it for you.
We work hard to preserve our reputation, acquired over many years, with our hand-painted oil painting reproductions on canvas. We are sure that you will be content with any artwork you order from The Worlds Artist. Finally, a heartfelt thank you to all of our clients.
The Worlds Artist's popular products and services.
If you do not find your favorite artist or painting, request it in our made-to-order oil paintings section or contact us . After choosing an oil painting reproduction to see it in your home or office surroundings, see how to do it in our wall art mock-up photo . Additional helpful links are provided in the art canvas sizes and oil painting care sections. In our studio and our artists pages, you will see how we paint the oil painting reproductions and the painting process. The same painting process is used for painting pet portraits , portrait oil paintings from your photographs , and oil paintings of your home .
We look forward to being of service to you now and in the future.