Lyme Regis Dorset by Thomas Girtin

Oil Painting Reproduction

Lyme Regis Dorset by Thomas Girtin oil painting reproduction done at The Worlds Artist is 100% hand-painted by expert artists. To paint Lyme Regis Dorset , we begin with a blank artist canvas and draw the outlines in charcoal of what we will paint. Then we start. We use an artist's palette, different paintbrushes, quality oil paints, and a Mahl stick to steady the hand. The same painting procedures are used for all our oil paintings, including pet portraits , portrait oil paintings from your photographs , and oil paintings of your home . They painted it that way, and we likewise painted it that way. Oil paint needs time to dry in certain areas before we continue or before adding more paint layers. We cannot rush this procedure, and it takes about three to four weeks to complete by hand, depending on the complexity.

Read in more detail about the process in our studio and in our artists' section. If you want to see this reproduction oil painting in your home or office before ordering, arrange for a free virtual art mock-up photograph of this artwork. Oil painting reproductions take 3 to 4 weeks to complete.

Lyme Regis Dorset
Lyme Regis Dorset - Item ID: 13762
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