Luis Ricardo Falero Biography | Oil Painting Reproductions
2-7-1851 Granada, ESP - 12-7-1896 London, ENG
Luis Ricardo Falero was also the Duke of Labranzano, his specialty was female nudes, mythological, Oriental, and fantasy settings, and a large part of his compositions contained at least one nude or topless female.
To learn English, as well as watercolor painting, well off his parents, sent him to study in Richmond, England. In 1860, when he was only just nine years old, he left England to continue his studies in Paris. Following the wishes of his parents, he returned to join the Spanish Navy, but at the age of 16, despite his bitter disappointment, he left the service and returned to study chemistry and industrial engineering in Paris. The tests that he needed to conduct in chemistry and industrial engineering were hazardous, so he decided to focus on painting instead. After Paris, he studied in London, where he settled.
Luis Ricardo Falero had a particular enthusiasm for astronomy and incorporated divine heavenly bodies (in more ways than one) into many of his works, such as Twin Stars. His interest and knowledge of astronomy also led him to illustrate the works of Camille Flammarion.
In 1896, the year of his death, Maud Harvey sued Luis Ricardo Falero for paternity. The suit alleged that Falero seduced Harvey when she was 17 first working as his housemaid, and then as his model. When he discovered she was pregnant, he dismissed her. She won the case and was awarded five shillings per week in support of their child. Falero died at the age of 45.
Art Movement: Symbolism, Orientalism.
He Traveled To France. England.
Artist's Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist, with text adapted from Wikipedia.
Luis Ricardo Falero Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.
Luis Ricardo Falero Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.
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