Ludwig Knaus Biography | Oil Paintings

10-5-1829 Wiesbaden, GER – 12-7-1910 Berlin, GER

Knaus, Ludwig

Ludwig Knaus studied from 1845 to 1852 under Sohn and Schadow in Düsseldorf Art Academy. His initial works, like The Gamblers, are typical of that school's teachings, being dark and heavy in color. This all changed when in 1852 he went to study in Paris, as a pupil of Thomas Couture. In 1853 his oil painting Morning after Kermess Celebration won a Gold Medal at the Salon and made him a celebrated painter. He remained in Paris until 1860, except for a year's study in Italy between 1857 -58.

Ludwig Knaus chief works of this period include The Golden Wedding, and The Promenade, purchased for the Luxembourg Museum, and many portraits. From 1861 to 1866 he lived and painted in Berlin, works such as His Highness on His Travels, is from this period. The next eight years he moved to Dusseldorf where he produced much of his best art work. He returned to Berlin to his final home in 1874 to be a professor at the Royal Prussian Academy for ten years.

During his last period, Ludwig Knaus also painted a series of “Idyls,” with nudes in a classical style, and engravings of his works were popular with the German peasantry.

Art Movement: Naturalism.
Artists Influencing Ludwig Knaus: Thomas Couture.
He Traveled To France.
Artist's Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist, with text adapted from Wikipedia.

Ludwig Knaus Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.

Ludwig Knaus Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.

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