Ludwig Deutsch Biography | Oil Painting Reproductions

1855 Vienna, AUT - 4-9-1935 Paris, FRA

Deutsch, Ludwig

Ludwig Deutsch came from an established Austrian Jewish family, his father was a financier at the Imperial court in Vienna. After secondary school, he studied classical painting with Anselm Feuerbach at the Academy of Fine Arts between 1872-1875, then, in 1878, moved to Paris where he became associated with Orientalism and in Paris he met another Austrian, Orientalist Rudolf Ernst. Deutsch continued his studies with the influential history painter Jean-Paul Laurens in Paris. Jean-Paul also introduced his most skilled student to Parisian buyers.

Ludwig Deutsch first recorded Orientalist painting is made in 1881. The painting of 'The Domino Players', was exhibited at the Paris Salon under the title 'An Orientalist Amateur'. During this time Deutsch's went through an evolution. In spite of the fact that the subjects remain nearly the same, he turns from group paintings to that of unique individual characters and interesting Palaces. During his career, he had different art studios throughout Paris and southern France. Ludwig Deutsch utilized the new photo camera to capture the local architecture, tile, and stone work in his paintings.

Always the perfectionist, his work is characterized by meticulousness and attention to detail with a near photo-realistic technique. Deutsch traveled to Egypt for the first time in 1886 and again four years later to gather subjects and motifs for his artwork.

With the outbreak of World War I, he left Paris for southern France, after the war he acquired French citizenship and changed his name from Ludwig to Louis Deutsch.

Art Movement: Orientalism.
Artists Influencing Ludwig Deutsch: Jean-Paul Laurens, Anselm Feuerbach.
He Traveled To France, Egypt.
Artist's Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist, with text adapted from Wikipedia.

Ludwig Deutsch Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.

Ludwig Deutsch Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.

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