Luca Carlevarijs Biography | Oil Painting Reproductions

1-20-1663 Udine, ITA - 2-12-1730 Venice, ITA

Carlevarijs, Luca

Luca Carlevarijs pioneered the class of the cityscapes (vedute) of Venice, a genre that was later widely followed by artists such as Giovanni Antonio Canaletto and Francesco Guardi. He was also known as 'Luca Casanobrio' or 'Luca di Ca Zenobri', for his patronage of the latter family.

Luca Carlevarijs was born in Udine, the son of the architect and painter Giovanni Leonardo, he lost his father at the age of sixteen, his sister Cassandra took him in charge and took him to live in Venice in 1679, where he became part of society. His vedute of Venice are among the earliest Baroque depictions of the city, where he innovates by proposing vedute designed in perspective. His works were regarded by many people as patriotic because Carlevarijs had won the favor and patronage of the inhabitants of Venice. He was influenced by the Dutch painter Caspar van Wittel who active in Rome at the time.

The painters Canaletto, Francesco Guardi and Antonio Visentini are said to have been influenced by Luca Carlevarijs work or even have been his pupils. His canvases and his set of 104 etched perspectives of Venice, which give a correct portrayal of the landmarks in the city, were published in 1703, were the foundation on which Canaletto and Guardi built.

Luca Carlevarijs painted landscapes, seascapes and perspective views. His works included cityscapes with a topological interest as well as imaginary landscapes with ruins.

Art Movement: Baroque.
Artists Influencing Carlevarijs: Caspar van Wittel.
Painters Luca Carlevarijs Influenced: Canaletto, Francesco Guardi, Antonio Visentini.
Artist's Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist, with text adapted from Wikipedia.

Luca Carlevarijs Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.

Luca Carlevarijs Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.

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