Kazimir Malevich Biography | Oil Paintings
2-26-1878 Kiev, RUS - 5-15-1935 St. Petersburg, RUS
Kasimir Severinovich Malevich studied in Moscow from 1902 to 1905 and came under the influence of the French Impressionists. In 1912 Mikhail Larionov the founder of the first Rusian avant-garde movement, Rayonism, invited Malevich to take part in the inaugural Knave of Diamonds exhibition. The Rayonist experience was also a point of reference for Kasimir Malevich, who evolved from Cubism to found Suprematism in 1913, an intellectual expression of pure sensibility. Later the same year he visited Paris and immediately converted to Cubism, attacking his new style with zeal and improving and refining it in a style he called Suprematism.
Kasimir Malevich's exhibition of Suprematist art in 1915 gained a mixed reception and he modified his style, rejecting the stark minimalism of such works as Black Square on a White Ground. The essence of this painting would only be surpassed by the absolute clarity of his next painting White on White. Malevich sought to express the “supremacy” of form by abandoning figurative painting in favor of the pure elements of geometry and injecting a great deal of color. But he reverted to his ideals in 1918 with a series of paintings entitled White on White, the ultimate example of minimalism.
Malevich Reaches the End of the History, Styles, and Subjects in Art.
Although the painting Black Square is semi-genius, White on White is pure genius. Throughout the history of art, from the beginning, the various movements and artists through the ages, all trying to progress to something new, to interpret art differently, to add something never seen or done before. From adding detail, and realism, to deconstructing images, this painting was the end of the line for the process of art. From this point on, there was nothing left in the art world to be done, other to reinvent itself backward. Thereafter he abandoned painting and concentrated on sculpture, becoming one of the leading Constructionists of the early Soviet era.
On a 1926 visit to the Bauhaus, Kasimir Malevich met Kandinsky and published a book on his theory under the title The Non-Objective World. The style of severe geometric abstraction with which he is most associated was a leading force in the development of Constructivism, the repercussions of which continued to be felt throughout to this day.
When Soviet politicians decided against modern abstract art, Kazimir Malevich and his art were doomed. He died in poverty and oblivion. His work was stifled in Communist Russia in the 1930s and hidden from view in any manner and remained little known until the new wave of modern art became prominent in the 60s. In 2008, the oil painting entitled Suprematist Composition from 1916 by Kasimir Malevich sold at auction in New York for US$60.0 million.
Art Movement History: Cubism, Suprematism.
Artists Influencing Kazimir Malevich: Pablo Picasso, Mikhail Larionov.
He Traveled To France.
Artist's Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist.
Kazimir Malevich Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.
Kazimir Malevich Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.
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