Joseph Rodefer Decamp Biography | Oil Painting Reproductions

11-5-1858 Cincinnati, Ohio USA - 2-11-1923 Boca Grande, Florida USA

Decamp, Joseph Rodefer

Joseph Rodefer Decamp studied with Frank Duveneck and in 1875 they went with Duveneck and other students to the Royal Academy of Munich. He then some spent time in Florence, Italy, returning to Boston in 1883.

Joseph Rodefer Decamp was known to be a member of the Boston School led by Edmund Charles Tarbell and Emil Otto Grundmann, focusing on figure painting, and in the 1890s he adopted the painting style of the Tonalism movement. He was a founder in 1897 of a group of American Impressionists called the Ten American Painters Following. Joseph Rodefer Decamp was hired to teach at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia in 1895 but resigned a year later because of poor health. In 1902, he was elected to the National Academy of Design as an Associate Academician. From 1903 until his death in 1923, he was a faculty member at now Massachusetts College of Art and Design, teaching portraiture painting and also drawing and painting from the live models.

A fire in his Boston studio in 1904 destroyed hundreds of his early paintings, including all of his landscapes. Joseph Rodefer Decamp set an auction record for his art in, in 2013, when the oil painting Farewell sold for $821,000. He also painted the Portrait of President Theodore Roosevelt.

Art Movement: Tonalism.
Artists Influencing Joseph Rodefer Decamp: Frank Duveneck.
He Traveled To Italy, Germany.
Artist's Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist, with text adapted from Wikipedia.

Joseph Rodefer Decamp Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.

Joseph Rodefer Decamp Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.

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