John Emms Biography | Oil Painting Reproductions

1-16-1844 Blofield, ENG – 11-1-1912 Lyndhurst, ENG

Emms, John

John Emms was first taught art by his father Henry William Emms, who was an amateur artist. John became an avid hunter and became celebrated for his paintings of horses, and particularly Foxhound and terrier dogs. His paintings are strangely signed, “Jno Emms”.

John Emms began exhibiting his paintings at the Royal Academy of London in 1866. There he became studio assistant to Frederick Leighton, later to become Lord Leighton.

He married Fanny Primmer of Lyndhurst, in 1880. The couple lived in London for a year but returned to her hometown, Lyndhurst and built a large house and art studio named The Firs, where they lived for the rest of their life. In Lyndhurst, he became exposed to an outdoor lifestyle and he became an enthusiastic sportsman, especially fond of hunting and of horseback riding. His painting of Callum a Dandie Dinmont Terrier hangs in the National Gallery of Scotland.

John Emms was a painter of great talent in painting animals, his painting The New Forest Foxhounds sold at auction for US$860,000 in 2006.

Art Movement: Naturalism.
Artists Influencing John Emms: Frederick Leighton.
Artist's Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist, with text adapted from Wikipedia.

John Emms Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.

John Emms Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.

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