Jan Hendrik Weissenbruch Biography | Oil Paintings
6-19-1824 The Hague, NED – 3-24-1903 The Hague, NED

Jan Hendrik Weissenbruch is also known by the name Hendrik Johannes Weissenbruch. He came from an artistic family, his father collected art on a small scale and painted in his spare time, his cousin Jan was a well-known painter of townscapes, cousin Frederik was a lithographer, and his younger brother Frederik, his uncle Daniel and his nephew Isaac were all engravers.
When Jan Hendrik was sixteen years of age he took drawing lessons with Johannes Low. At nineteen years of age in 1843, he worked during the day in Bartholomeus Van Hove's studio, together with Johannes Bosboom and Samuel Verveer, helping to make scenery pieces for the Royal Theatre, and at night took classes with Van Hove at the Hague Academy of Art.
The Romantic painter Andreas Schelfhout had a strong influence on Jan Hendrik Weissenbruch's early work and landscapes paintings. His magnificent treatments of cloudy skies show his profound respect for the seventeenth-century artist Jacob van Ruisdael, whose work he saw at an early age in the Mauritshuis Art Museum. When Schelfhout invited Weissenbruch to take lessons with him, he refused. In 1847, Weissenbruch had his first showing at the exhibition of Living Masters, and he became one of the founders of the Pulchri Studio in the Hague.
Two years after Hendrik Johannes Weissenbruch staged his first exhibition in 1847, the Teylers Museum in Haarlem bought one of his large panoramic landscapes. But, that early achievement did not last long. Despite the prestige, he had earned among his art colleagues, public acknowledgment was not achieved until the late 1880s when he was already in his 60s.
Jan Hendrik Weissenbruch delighted in painting en pleine-air outdoors in the countryside, finding subjects to paint in and around The Hague where he lived, rarely venturing far from home. Yet, in 1900, at the age of seventy-six, he took a trip to Barbizon, France where he painted his renowned Forest View Near Barbizon. The voyage to Barbizon was a pilgrimage for him since it was in this renowned area that French painters, in 1830, had started to paint the outdoors on a large scale.
Art Movement: Realism.
Artists Influencing Jan Hendrik Weissenbruch: Johannes Low, Bartholomeus van Hove, Andreas Schelfhout.
He Traveled To France.
Artist Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist, with text adapted from Wikipedia.
Jan Hendrik Weissenbruch Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.
Jan Hendrik Weissenbruch Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.
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