Ignacio Diaz Olano Biography | Oil Paintings
2-1-1860 Victoria, ESP - 3-7-1937 Victoria, ESP

After his stay in Barcelona, Ignacio Diaz Olano requested aid from his hometown of the Vitoria City Council to continue his education in a European city, but the aid was refused. Around 1875 Heraclio Fournier commissioned the painter Ignacio Diaz Olano to design some playing cards. For lack of reliable documentation, the activities of the painter in the early eighteen eighty's are unknown.
In 1884 Ignacio Diaz Olano participates in the Art and Industrial Exhibition of Vitoria, he sent a batch of seven artworks, two religious paintings alluding to San Francisco, one a copy of Viladomat, painted in Barcelona in 1880, a portrait of elderly Two young Italian genre scenes, a painting of still life and a sketch of the roof of the Vitoria Theatre building that burned in August 1914.
In 1884 he opened an art studio for art education until March 1894, then he went, first to Barcelona and then to Rome where he lived for two years and returned to his hometown after a new stay of one month in Barcelona.
Because of its special relevance in Alava painting, a room is dedicated to the artist Ignacio Díaz Olano, at the Museo de Bellas Artes de Álava. who cultivated all kinds of genres with a preference for traditional Costumbrista themes.
Art Movement: Costumbrismo.
He Traveled To Italy.
Artist Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist.
Ignacio Diaz Olano Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.
Ignacio Diaz Olano Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.
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