Henry Roderick Newman Biography | Oil Paintings

5-1833 Easton, New York USA - 1-16-1918 Florence, ITA

Newman, Henry Roderick

Henry Roderick Newman was a self-taught artist and influenced by John Ruskin’s landscape and nature scenes. He was studying to be a doctor, same as his father, but in 1861, after the death of his father, Newman abandoned his studies and immediately took up painting at the late age of twenty-eight. His mother gave him one year to support himself as an artist and so he spent six months painting landscapes in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. The results were several highly finished nature studies, three of which were exhibited later that year at the National Academy of Design.

Along with John Bunyon Bristol, Henry Roderick Newman was one of the first American painters to paint in Florida. He was attracted to the area for health reasons and painted in the area of St. Augustine from 1868 for two years.

In 1872, Newman moved to Florence, Italy to study painting and the architecture there inspired him as well as the masterpieces by Giotto di Bondone, and Fra Angelico. Paintings of Italian architecture became Henry Roderick Newman’s specialty, although he was good at painting landscapes he was not successfully selling them. In 1883, Newman married and the couple settled permanently in Florence where he opened a studio. With the support of Ruskin, Newman enjoyed considerable status during his time as an American painter in Europe. He spent much time traveling in Europe, and from 1888 to 1891 and again in 1894, Newman spent his winters painting in Egypt, he also traveled to Japan in the late 1890s, always making the depictions of architecture his major focus.

Art Movement: Naturalism.
Artists Influencing Henry Roderick Newman: John Ruskin.
He Traveled To France, Italy, Egypt, Japan.
Artist Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist.

Henry Roderick Newman Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.

Henry Roderick Newman Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.

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