Frederick Morgan Biography | Oil Paintings
3-1856 London, ENG – 1-16-1927 London, ENG
Frederick Morgan (the painter) was commonly known as Fred Morgan and was the son of John Morgan, a successful genre artist sometimes known as 'Jury Morgan', after his most famous painting The Gentlemen of the Jury. At the age of fourteen his father took him out of school to tutor him in the art himself and by the age of sixteen, while still being tutored by his father, he had his first exhibit at the Royal Academy, showing his first oil painting, The Rehearsal. After a hiatus of several years, working as a portrait artist for a photographer, this training proved to be crucial, Frederick Morgan paintings were then shown at the Academy regularly.
Eventually, he turned from portraits to other subjects for his art, in particular, idyllic genre scenes of country life and childhood. For many years, starting in 1874, Thomas Agnew & Sons', a fine art dealer in London, purchased all the work he produced. Over this period he painted some of his most popular works such as The Doll’s Tea Party, The Emigrants Departure, and The School Belles. He also painted in Normandy, including Midday Rest and An Apple Gathering.
Although an excellent portrait artist, Morgan had problems in painting pets and barnyard animals, so he enlisted the aid of Arthur John Elsley, who was his contemporary in the same style of painting when such problems arose. Frederick Morgan is known mostly for his romantic and sentimental paintings of children and his paintings achieved great popularity in his lifetime and were widely published.
Art Movement: Academic.
Artists Influencing Frederick Morgan: John Morgan.
He Traveled To France.
Artist Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist, with text adapted from Wikipedia.
Frederick Morgan Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.
Frederick Morgan Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.
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