Frederick John Mulhaupt Biography | Oil Paintings

3-28-1871 Rockport, Missouri USA - 1-16-1938 Gloucester, MA USA

Mulhaupt, Frederick John

Instead of preparing in Munich like such huge numbers of German painters from America, Frederick John Mulhaupt decided to study in Paris and exhibited paintings at the National Academy of Moret, France, and St. Ives in England. When he returned from Europe, his address was listed as the Salmagundi Club in New York City. He began summering in Cape Ann around 1900, and exhibited in 1917 at the Gallery-on-the-Moors in Gloucester, Massachusetts, he settled there that same year and focused on painting its harbors and landscape views.

He was known to have a reclusive personality, and did not like to socialize, Frederick J. Mulhaupt kept to himself and painted. His major studio was as close to the ocean as it could be, located on pilings in Gloucester Harbor.

Frederick John Mulhaupt was a member of the North Shore Art Association from 1923 until his death, where he exhibited many local paintings and held various positions. He became an Associate of the National Academy in 1926 and was a member of the National Arts Club, American Art Association in Paris, and the Artists Fund Association. Although considered a “Post-Impressionist” the work of Mulhaupt is Impressionistic, each stroke juxtaposing the next in color and hue.

Art Movement: Post-Impressionism.
He Traveled To Canada, England, France, Spain.
Artist Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist, with text adapted from Wikipedia.

Frederick John Mulhaupt Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.

Frederick John Mulhaupt Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.

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