Frederick Butman Biography | Oil Painting Reproductions
1820 Bangor, Maine USA – 1-16-1871 Gardiner, Maine USA
Frederick Butman was born in Bangor, Maine in 1820, he operated a local pharmacist shop in Gardiner, Maine until the point when in 1857 he decided to move to San Francisco. He also helped found the local gas and water company. Frederick Butman was a self-taught artist who began by painting figure studies. He landed in San Francisco in 1857, and he was listed in the San Francisco city directory from 1859 to 1871. Here, he exhibited the earliest known painting of Yosemite Valley at the Mechanics' Institute Fair.
One of the first California artists to devote himself only to landscapes, as well as Yosemite Park, Frederick Butman also worked in Oregon's Columbia River region, exploring a thousand miles up the river area and Washington in the 1860s. Called a “showy” painter, he sold landscape paintings in California for as much as $8,000 in gold. He exhibited in San Francisco a variety of mountain scenes including views of Mt Shasta, Mt Hood, and Lake Tahoe.
Returning to the East coast in 1867, Frederick Butman exhibited at the National Academy of Design. He showed On Bear River at the Pennsylvania Academy in 1868. He is known to have sketched in France in the summer of 1869.
Art Movement: Hudson River School.
He traveled To France.
Artist's Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist, with text adapted from Wikipedia.
Frederick Butman Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.
Frederick Butman Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.
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