Frederick Arthur Bridgman Biography | Oil Painting Reproductions

11-10-1847 Tuskegee, Alabama USA – 1-13-1928 Rouen, FRA

Bridgman, Frederick Arthur

Frederick Arthur Bridgman started as a draughtsman in New York City and studied art at the Brooklyn Art Association and the National Academy of Design. He went to Paris in 1866, and in 1867 he entered the studio of the prominent academic painter Jean-Léon Gérôme, where he was affected by Gérôme's exact draftsmanship, smooth finishes, and concern for Middle-Eastern themes. From there on, Paris turned into his home. He was elected to the National Academy of Design as an Associate member in 1874 and became a full member in 1881.

Frederick Arthur Bridgman made his initial excursion to North Africa between 1872 and 1874, dividing his time between Algeria and Egypt. There he executed approximately three hundred sketches, which turned into the source material for a few later oil works of art that attracted immediate attention. Bridgman became known as "the American Gérôme", even though Bridgman would later adopt a more naturalistic aesthetic, emphasizing bright colors and brushwork.

Extra visits to the region throughout the 1880s enabled him to store up a gathering of outfits, design pieces, and objets d'art, which frequently show up in his paintings. John Singer Sargent noted that Bridgman's overstuffed studio, along with the Eiffel Tower, was Paris's must-see attraction. Although Frederick Arthur Bridgman kept up a deep-rooted association with France, his notoriety in America never faded. In fact, in 1890, he had an exclusive show of more than 400 paintings in New York's 5th Avenue galleries. At the point when the show moved to Chicago's Art Institute, it contained just 300 works.

One of Bridgman's most recognized Orientalist images, A Street Scene in Algeria, is outstanding for its true to life and authentic importance. As of late, works by Bridgman have sold at auction for over $350,000.

Art Movement: Orientalism.
Artists Influencing Frederick Arthur Bridgman: Jean-Léon Gerome.
He Traveled To France, Algeria, Egypt.
Artist's Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist, with text adapted from Wikipedia.

Frederick Arthur Bridgman Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.

Frederick Arthur Bridgman Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.

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