Franz Bischoff Biography | Oil Painting Reproductions

1-14-1864 Steinschönau, AUT –2-5-1929 South Pasadena, California USA

Bischoff, Franz

Franz A. Bischoff was an American artist known essentially for his China painting, botanical paintings, and California scenes. He was born in Steinschönau, Austria. He moved to the United States as a young teenager where he became a naturalized citizen. While in Europe, his initial training was focused on applied design, watercolor, and ceramic decorations.

After arriving in the United States, Franz Bischoff worked in New York, Detroit, and Dearborn, Michigan. While in Detroit and Dearborn, Franz Bischoff gained success as a porcelain painter, and as a teacher of the techniques, as well as a manufacturer of ceramic glazes and a teacher of watercolor painting.

Franz Bischoff chose to visit California in 1900 and settle in Los Angeles in 1906. Not long after arriving, he began making plans to construct an expansive Italian Renaissance style home in Pasadena that likewise turned into his studio. This landmark home was completed in 1908.
Franz Bischoff was one of the first members of the California Art Club, and the gathering's second meeting was held at his studio on February 5, 1910. Additionally present at that meeting were Carl Oscar Borg and William Wendt.

Inspired by the California countryside, Bischoff endeavored to catch the area's splendid light and differing scenery. Investing less energy in ceramic painting after the beginning of World War I, Franz Bischoff took up canvas oil painting. He painted nearby ranches, angling wharves, beachfront scenes, and scenes of the Sierra Nevada and the mountains of Utah, including Zion National Park. Recognized during his career for use of color and vivid composition, his paintings always displayed his veneration for nature, some of his later works played with Expressionism and his utilization of colors were reminiscent of Fauvism.

Art Movement: Impressionism.
He Traveled To USA.
Artist's Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist, with text adapted from Wikipedia.

Franz Bischoff Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.

Franz Bischoff Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.

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