Francis Hopkinson Smith Biography | Oil Paintings
10-23-1838 Baltimore, Maryland USA - 4-7-1915, New York, New York USA
Francis Hopkinson Smith was an author, artist, and engineer and a great-grandson of Francis Hopkinson, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Like his father, the younger Francis Hopkinson Smith was endowed with versatility, during his lifetime he had three successful careers, all of which brought him fame.
After the American Civil War, he and partner James Symington established an engineering firm they ran for thirty years, undertaking such notable projects as the construction of the foundations for the Statue of Liberty, the Block Island breakwater, the Staten Island seawall, and the Race Rock Lighthouse.
His books proved so popular that he was able to retire from engineering and devote his time to travel in Spain, Italy, and Turkey. Smith was a popular speaker and raconteur, known for his tales of exotic lands. His after-dinner stories provided the basis for his first novel Col. Carter of Cartersville. His 1896 novel Tom Grogan. and 1898 novel Caleb West, were each the best-selling book in the United States when published. Francis Hopkinson Smith was also self-taught as a painter and for over thirty years he spent summers in Venice, painting en plein-air.
In 1898 he was made a Commander of the Order of the Mejidieh and in 1900 he was named to the Order of Osmanieh by the Sultan of Turkey.
Art Movement: Impressionism Art.
He Traveled To Cuba, Mexico, Spain, Netherlands, Italy, Turkey.
Artist Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist, with text adapted from Wikipedia.
Francis Hopkinson Smith Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.
Francis Hopkinson Smith Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.
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