Federico Andreotti Biography | Oil Painting Reproductions
3-6-1847 Florence, ITA - 7-9-1930 Florence, ITA
Federico Andreotti at first studied with Angiolo Tricca, Stefano Ussi, and at the Florentine Academy of Fine Arts. At a competition, he won a stipend and was picked as a teacher at the Academy. He was productive as a painter of canvases in Rome, Florence, and other cities in Italy. He painted realistic genre and aristocratic and refined scenes, frequently in a dress from the eighteenth century. The detailed period dress gives his artistic creations, at times depicted as Rococo Revival.
The late nineteenth century saw a resurgence of enthusiasm for this period of tastefulness and elegance and numerous artists, including Toudouze and Moreau, in France, Marcus Stone, in England, and Federico de Madrazo, in Spain, additionally hoped to fulfill the developing taste for these works.
Andreotti The Happy Rococo Painter.
Federico Andreotti's paintings were sought by American and European art collectors alike and in the late nineteenth century, he got a vital commission from the King of Italy. While little is known about his exhibition history in Florence, he showed various works of art at the Royal Academy in London from 1879 - 1883. Some of his canvases were reproduced in vital art reference books during the late nineteenth century.
Federico Andreotti joined his specialized exactness, learned in his life anatomy classes at the Academy, with the new speculations on color and technique that were being investigated by the Impressionists. His depictions regularly highlight big figures made with a bright palette and open brush strokes, while keeping consistent with the scholastic academic conventions of anatomical accuracy.
Art Movement History: Academic.
Artists Influencing Federico Andreotti: Angiolo Tricca, Stefano Ussi.
He Traveled To England.
Artist's Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist, with text adapted from Wikipedia.
Federico Andreotti Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.
Federico Andreotti Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.
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