Fabio Fabbi Biography | Oil Painting Reproductions

1861 Bologna, ITA - 1-16-1946 Rome, ITA

Fabbi, Fabio

As a young man, Fabio Fabbi enrolled at the Accademia Di Belle Arti in Florence and studied both sculpture and painting in the 1880s, winning prizes in both categories. After his studies, he traveled to Paris and Munich. Upon his return to Italy, he dedicated himself to oil painting and was honored with the distinction of a professorship at the Accademia.

Fabio Fabbi painted images of odalisques and bazaars which were well-received by the public. His images were commercial for his day, and thus he succeeded in painting more works than many of his contemporaries in Italy. From 1884 onward, Fabbi participated in exhibitions in Turin, Milan, and Florence, gaining popularity and praise because his works were both colorful and amusing. Although the subject-matter was not novel to his audience at this point, his Impressionist techniques combined with Orientalism and the movement of his figures were quite appealing.

The present scene depicts one of Fabio Fabbi's favorite themes, Raks Baladi, the popular folk dance of Egypt believed to have the blueprint for all Oriental dances. During his trip to Egypt in 1886, Fabbi would have seen the skillful women dancing the Raks Baladi as it was enjoyed at festivals, in the home, and the living quarters for casual entertainment.

Many works by the artist have been sold at auction, including Danza Nell Harem (The Harem Dance) sold in London's 'Orientalist Art' auction in 2009 for US$475,000.

Art Movement: Orientalism.
He Traveled To France, Germany, Egypt.
Artist's Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist.

Fabio Fabbi Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.

Fabio Fabbi Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.

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