Edouard Vuillard Biography | Oil Paintings
11-11-1868 Saône-et-Loire, FRA - 6-21-1940 La Baule, FRA

In 1884, Jean-Édouard Vuillard received a scholarship to continue his education at the Lycée Condorcet where he met Ker Xavier Roussel (also a future painter and Vuillard's future brother-in-law) and Maurice Denis. Edouard Vuillard also studied at the Academie Julien in Paris and shared a studio with Pierre Bonnard. Both artists were inspired by Paul Serusier's theories derived from the works of Paul Gauguin and became founding members of Les Nabis in 1889.
Edouard Vuillard was also influenced by the fashion of Japanese prints and this was reflected in his paintings of flowers and domestic interiors, executed with a keen sense of tone, color, and light are subtle and infused with intimacy. He was also a prolific designer of textiles, wallpaper, and decorative features for public buildings.
His paintings of cozy domestic subjects show a tremendous feeling for texture and patterning, a skill he picked up from his mother who was a dressmaker. The bolts of brightly colored cloth that surrounded him as a child found an echo in his textile designs. His interior scenes, whether the wall decorations, wallpaper, or carpets, look so complex, yet are painted so simply. His later paintings were more naturalistic, aided by photography, which he employed to capture the fleeting moment.
Art Movement History: Post-Impressionism.
Artists Influencing Jean Edouard Vuillard: Diogène Maillart, Paul Serusier, Paul Gauguin.
He Traveled To Italy, England, Spain.
Artist Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist, with text adapted from Wikipedia.
Edouard Vuillard Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.
Edouard Vuillard Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.
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