Daniel Ridgway Knight Biography | Oil Paintings
3-15-1839 Chambersburg, Pennsylvania USA – 3-9-1924 Paris, FRA
Daniel Ridgway Knight was known for his portrayals of peaceful, peasant female figures in rustic landscapes with perfect lighting.
Daniel Ridgway Knight was a student at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia from 1858 to 1861. He then sailed to France to study at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris for two years with the Academic painters Charles Gleyre and Alexander Cabanel, and his classmates were Pierre-Auguste Renoir and Alfred Sisley. In 1863, he returned to Philadelphia to enlist in the Union army during the middle of the American Civil War.
In 1871, Daniel Ridgway Knight returned to France and desiring to be near the renowned academic painter, Jean Louis Meissonier, he settled in the town of Poissy. Meissonier guided his artistic focus to painting peasant figures and influenced him with a detailed style of Realism.
Daniel Ridgway Knight painted peasant women out of doors with great success. He was awarded the silver medal and Cross of the Legion of Honor, at the 1889 Paris Exposition Universelle, was made a Knight of the Royal Order of St. Michael of Bavaria, in Germany in 1893, and the same year received the gold medal of honor from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia. His son, Louis Aston Knight, became a known landscape painter, painting the same landscapes as his father, without any peasants.
Art Movement: Realism.
Artists Influencing Daniel Ridgway Knight: Jean Louis Meissonier, Charles Gleyre, Alexander Cabanel.
He Traveled To France, Germany.
Painters Daniel Ridgway Knight Influenced: Louis Aston Knight.
Artist's Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist, with text adapted from Wikipedia.
Daniel Ridgway Knight Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.
Daniel Ridgway Knight Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.
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