Constant Troyon Biography | Oil Paintings.
8-28-1810 Sevres, FRA – 2-21-1865 Paris, FRA
Constant Troyon started very young at the age of seven being first taught by his godfather, Alfred Riocreux, and worked until he was twenty as a porcelain decorator, painting minute details on ornamentation, work he mastered so thoroughly that it was many years before he overcame its limitations. When he turned twenty-one, Constant Troyon gave up the porcelain work to travel around the country so long as his finances endured as a landscapes artist. At that point when he ran out of money, he made friends with the closest china manufacturer and worked relentlessly at his old business as a decorator until the point that he had amassed enough funds to allow him to begin again on his painting trips.
Troyon settled to study with Camille Roqueplan, an artist of distinction eight years his senior, after Troyon’s godfather paid the tuition. Roqueplan acquainted Troyon to Theodore Rousseau, Jules Dupré, and the other Barbizon painters, and in his oil paintings done between 1840 and 1847, he emulated their example. But as a landscape artist during this period, Troyon would never have been perceived as a thorough master.
In 1846 Constant Troyon went to The Hague, Netherlands, and there he was inspired by Paulus Potter's famous painting "The Young Bull", by Aelbert Cuyp's sunny landscapes, and Rembrandt Van Rijn's noble masterpieces. He soon changed his style of painting, and it is just in works created after this time that Troyon's true individuality is uncovered as a painter of animals. All his famous paintings are painted between 1850 and 1864, his earlier work being of comparatively little value.
Success came too late, Constant Troyon never entirely believed in it himself, even after he achieved international recognition and could command the market in several countries he still grumbled loudly at the way the world treated him. Yet, he was decorated with the Legion of Honor in 1849 and won medals at the Paris Salon five times, even Napoleon III was one of his patrons.
Constant Troyon never married, his mother, who survived him, instituted the Troyon Prize for animal paintings at the École des Beaux-Arts. Constant Troyon's work is well known to the public through a large number of engravings from his pictures.
Art Movement: Barbizon School.
Artists Influencing Constant Troyon: Denis Désiré Riocreux, Camille Roqueplan, Paulus Potter.
He Traveled To Netherlands, England.
Painters Constant Troyon Influenced: Claude Monet, Émile van Marcke, Martin Léonce Chabry, Eugene Boudin, Leon Belly.
Artist Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist, with text adapted from Wikipedia.
Constant Troyon Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.
Constant Troyon Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.
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