Charles Henri Leickert Biography | Oil Paintings
9-22-1816 Brussels, BEL – 12-5-1907 Mainz, GER
From an early age, Charles Henri Joseph Leickert demonstrated a style for his subject in his drawings, and his family soon apprenticed to learn how to draw and paint. Charles Leickert was taught by three master painters, J B van Hove, Nuijen, and Andreas Schelfhout all of whom, in their subject matter and painting medium, were among the best painters in Holland, the latter influenced him the most. They all taught Leickert the way to draw in the most meticulous detail and Andreas Schelfhout, who was the greatest Master in Holland at that time, taught him the use of color and shading.
Charles Henri Leickert's painting style evolved throughout his life, from having the very traditional and tight style of the later eighteenth century to his last paintings showing a bit of the French Impressionist movements looser influence, while still showing the obvious influence of the Dutch Romantic School.
He exhibited three times in Brussels, returning often for important exhibitions and several important painting commissions. In 1836 a painting in an Amsterdam exhibition received great recognition and during his life, several of his works found their way into private collections in Great Britain and throughout Northern Europe. He lived and worked in The Hague between 1841 and 1848.
He painted almost all his artwork in the Netherlands. He was made a member of the Royal Academy of Amsterdam in 1856, At the age of 71, he moved to Mainz, Germany, and remained there the rest of his life. Charles Henri Joseph Leickert is considered to be one of the finest painters of the Dutch Romantic School and is highly collectible, with his art selling at auction in the range of US$125.000.
Art Movement: Romanticism.
Artists Influencing Charles Henri Leickert: Bartholomeus van Hove, Wijnand Nuijen, Andreas Schelfhout.
He Traveled To Netherlands, Germany.
Artist's Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist.
Charles Henri Leickert Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.
Charles Henri Leickert Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.
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