Charles Amable Lenoir Biography | Oil Paintings
10-22-1860 Chatellaillon, FRA – 8-1-1926 Fouras, FRA

Charles-Amable Lenoir liked to draw at a young age and dreamed of being an artist, but his parents of modest means could pay for his dream. So he needed to study something and enrolled at the teachers' college in La Rochelle. Upon graduation, he got a teaching job at a nearby school in Rochefort. He taught and was promoted to a supervisor, but, he wanted to paint, so he saved his money for one day he would be able to go to a real art school. As luck would have it, in Rochefort, William-Adolphe Bouguereau's uncle Eugène Bouguereau was the priest at the church in the town, having saved enough money and getting a letter of recommendation from the uncle, Lenoir went to Paris.
In 1883 Charles-Amable Lenoir was accepted into the École des Beaux-Arts de Paris and became a student of Eugène Bouguereau nephew, William-Adolphe Bouguereau. Lenoir also studied at the Académie Julian with Tony Robert-Fleury. Lenoir first exhibited at the Paris Salon in 1887 and, continued for the next thirty-nine years.
He competed in the prestigious Prix de Rome, which has three classifications, 1st Prix de Rome, 1st Second Prix de Rome, and 2nd Second Prix de Rome, and in 1889 he won the 2nd Second Prix de Rome for his painting, Jésus Guerit le Paralytique (Jesus and a Sick Man with Palsy), and the next year he won another, the 1st Second Prix de Rome with Le Reniement de Saint Pierre (The Denial of St. Peter). Charles-Amable Lenoir was quickly noticed in the art world.
His honors did not end with the Prix de Rome, his works that appeared at the Salons likewise won prizes, in 1892 a third-class medal for The Garret at Twenty Years (Le Grenier a Vingt Ans), in 1896 a second-class medal for The Death of Sappho (La Mort de Sappho), and in 1900, a bronze medal at the Paris World's Fair in for The Calm (Le Calme), a painting of his new twenty one year old wife, Eugénie Lucchesi.
In tribute to his lasting appeal, Charles-Amable Lenoir was appointed a Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur in 1903. The influence of Bouguereau is unmistakable, and they remained lifelong friends, he painted Bouguereau wife, the artist Elizabeth Jane Gardner.
Art Movement: Realism, Academic Art
Artists Influencing Charles-Amable Lenoir: William-Adolphe Bouguereau, Tony Robert-Fleury
He Traveled To Italy
Artist's Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist.
Charles Amable Lenoir Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.
Charles Amable Lenoir Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.
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