Bernard De Hoog Biography | Oil Painting Reproductions
11-19-1867 Amsterdam, NED – 12-17-1943 The Hague, NED
Bernard de Hoog showed artistic ability as a schoolboy, but his parents refused his request to go to art school. While going to school he also worked for three years part-time in an office and the owner of the shop found drawings instead of figures in the ledgers. He gave asked him to make a portrait of his wife and this was his first serious drawing. With the boss's support, Bernard de Hoog was sent to a drawing teacher for further study and afterward to a drawing academy.
The last years as a student were made easier as he managed to get gaining a subsidy for two years from the Dutch government. So his wish to go to art school which his parents had denied, was finally realized, and he studied under one of the greatest Dutch animal painters, Jan van Essen, he also went to the museums to paint reproductions of many of the Dutch old masters, such as Pieter de Hooch and Frans Hals.
His painting from nature enabled him to understand the old masters. In 1886 when De Hoog was twenty years old, his talent became noticed. He had admired the paintings of Jozef Israëls and Albert Neuhuys and he painted a similar subject matter. The first great oil painting he exhibited was shown in Amsterdam, entitled 'During the Sermon in the new Church'. Before long Bernard de Hoog came to be a painter of interiors and he painted interiors for four years
Bernard de Hoog followed the Hague School, a movement of Dutch Realism, a response against the previous mood of Romanticism. He painted many little paintings of the life of the country people, of the interior homes of the peasants, with the light shining through the windows.
In Europe, his oil paintings attracted much attention, and he was well received in the Netherlands, where his popular scenes were exhibited and sold in galleries. His paintings were also known around the world, especially in the US, Canada, and England.
Art Movement: Realism.
Artists Influencing Bernard de Hoog: Jan van Essen, Pieter de Hooch, Frans Hals, Jozef Israëls.
Artist's Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist, with text adapted from Wikipedia.
Bernard De Hoog Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.
Bernard De Hoog Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.
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