Armando Spadini Biography | Oil Paintings.
7-29-1883 Florence, ITA – 3-31-1925 Rome, ITA
Armando Spadini worked as a ceramist in Florence and attended the Academy of Fine Arts, where he met the writer and painter Ardengo Soffici in 1900. He was introduced to the Symbolist magazine Leonardo in 1902, and he exhibited in the Esposizione Annuale Della Società Delle Belle Arti di Firenze in 1906.
Armando Spadini moved to Rome in 1910 and devoted his energies to portraits and Roman cityscapes. He participated in the first-ever Esposizione Internazionale Della Secessione in 1913 and continued in subsequent exhibitions, with one of his paintings being purchased by the Rome City Council at the fourth Esposizione in 1916.
Armando Spadini went through a difficult period after World War I and was attacked as too conservative in the influential magazine Valori Plastici. But in 1924, the 14th Venice Biennale decided to devote a room exclusively to Armando Spadini’s work and this marked the end of this hostility towards him and the success of his paintings, unfortunately, he died in Rome the following year at the age of forty-two.
Art Movement: Impressionism.
Artist Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist, with text adapted from Wikipedia.
Armando Spadini Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.
Armando Spadini Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.
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