Antonio Muñoz Degrain Biography | Oil Painting Reproductions

11-18-1840, Valencia, ESP - 10-12-1924, Málaga, ESP

Degrain, Antonio Muñoz

Antonio Muñoz Degrain was a Spanish painter of French descent. He tackled a wide range of topics, including his landscapes and works of historical themes, inspired by literary passages and Orientalist affairs. Stylistically his work is somewhere between Impressionist modernity, Academic which comes from his training, and a subjective and fantastic vision of nature that brings him Symbolist precepts.

He began by studying architecture, but soon switched to painting and enrolled at the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos de Valencia. His time there was also short, as he soon moved to Rome and led a Bohemian life, becoming a self-taught person. The rigors of surviving there prompted a return to Spain.

In 1862, he showed his oil painting of the Pyrenees mountains for the first time at the National Exhibition of Fine Arts, he got an honorable mention, and from that point forward, he exhibited regularly in the exhibition.

In 1870, his friend Bernardo Ferrándiz Bádenes obtained a commission for him to decorate the ceiling of the Teatro Cervantes in Málaga. The Grand Cross of the Order of Charles III was awarded to Antonio Muñoz Degrain in 1878 for his oil painting of Queen Isabella giving her jewelry to Columbus. In 1893, this painting of Queen Isabella was used on a $1 U.S. postage stamp. He became a Professor at the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Telmo in 1879.

He made another trip to Rome in 1882, with a government grant to study, staying for two years. Upon his return, he won First Prize at the National Exhibition for his painting Lovers of Teruel. Five years later, he replaced Carlos de Haes as head of landscape painting at the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando and became its Director in 1901.

Criticized by his contemporaries, Antonio Muñoz Degrain implemented in his landscape paintings, violent and loud use of color that few artists of his time dared to use. However, the judgment of his compositional structures clashed with the subjectivism and color that place him in the vanguard of landscape painting in Spain.

Art Movement: Impressionism.
He Traveled To Italy.
Artist's Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist, with text adapted from Wikipedia.

Antonio Muñoz Degrain Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.

Antonio Muñoz Degrain Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.

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