Andrés Cortés Y Aguilar Biography | Oil Painting Reproductions
12-24-1812 Seville, ESP – 5-16-1879 Seville, ESP
Andres Cortes Aguilar from 1840 onward lived in Seville, where he would spend his entire life and merge his profession. He instructed at the School of Fine Arts and became a member of the Academy the institute in 1862, soon accomplishing notoriety in the Sevillian artistic circles for his appealing encompassing perspectives of the city populated with figures. Andres Cortes Aguilar is best known today for these Costumbrismo works, in the Andalusian Costumbrismo The School of Seville style which earned him huge notoriety in his day among his clientele, who hailed from Seville's high society. The most popular of them are without a doubt his adaptations of The Seville Fair. The first was painted for the Count of Ybarra, the promoter of the well-known cattle fair.
Andres Cortes Aguilar painted different perspectives of Seville with equally ambitious compositions in which the emphasis is on depicting the structures and landmarks and additionally the people who populate them and their dress, in clear, splendid hues.
Nonetheless, the majority of the artist's known works and those that earned him a living as their beautiful pleasantness made them easy to sell were the provincial scenes with animals, typically flocks of sheep or herds of cows driven by their shepherds or cowherds.
A member in the Exhibitions of Fine Arts held in the city, in 1858 he was granted a silver award for Un país ("A Country"), and in 1868 entered Una Cabaña ("A Cabin"). He delighted in the recognition received in his city, which showered local honors and distinctions on him, and he even became a full founding member of the Diputación Arqueológica (archeological advisory group) of Seville and president of the arts section, a reporter of the Royal Academy of Archaeology and Geography of Prince Don Alonso.
Art Movement History: Costumbrismo, Romanticism.
Artist's Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist, with text adapted from Wikipedia.
Andrés Cortés Y Aguilar Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.
Andrés Cortés Y Aguilar Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.
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