Andreas Achenbach Biography | Oil Painting Reproductions
9-29-1815 Kassel, GER – 4-1-1910 Düsseldorf, GER
Andreas Achenbach in 1827 began his art education under the direction of Friedrich Wilhelm Schadow at the Düsseldorf Academy of Painting. He studied at St Petersburg, Russia and traveled in Italy, Holland, and Scandinavia. In his early design, he followed the pseudo-idealism of the German Romantic school. On returning to Munich in 1835, the strong influence of Louis Gurlitt convinced Achenbach to take his talent in new directions. His new painting style encouraged him to become the founding father of the German Realistic school.
Andreas Achenbach landscapes convey an excessive amount of his aim at picture-making and an absence personal temperament. he is a master of technique and is very important as a reformer. He received a medal of the first class in Paris in 1855 and named a Chevalier of the French Legion of Honor. Achenbach is thought to be the father of 19th-century German landscape painting.
Many his finest works are in the Berlin National Gallery and he has several paintings in galleries within the United States. His brother, Oswald Achenbach, was also a painter.
Art Movement History: Academic Art.
Artists Influencing Andreas Achenbach: Wilhelm Schadow, Louis Gurlitt.
He Traveled To Russia, Italy, Holland, Scandinavia.
Artist's Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist, with text adapted from Wikipedia.
Andreas Achenbach Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.
Andreas Achenbach Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.
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