Albert Fitch Bellows Biography | Oil Painting Reproductions

11-20-1829 Milford, Massachusetts USA – 11-24-1883 Auburndale, MA USA

Bellows, Albert Fitch

Albert Fitch Bellows initially contemplated architecture and in 1849, became the partner in the Boston architect firm of John D. Towle as Towle and Bellows. Nonetheless, he was not happy and Bellows immediately swung to painting. From 1850 to 1856 he taught at the New England School of Design in Boston. He surrendered his post to travel and study abroad and spent some time in Paris and at the Royal Academy in Antwerp and England.

Albert Fitch Bellows settled in New York City in 1858 on his arrival to America. He spent the majority of his outstanding career in New York, though he briefly moved to Boston. In 1859, he was chosen by the National Academy of Design as an Associate member and turned into a full member in 1861. He went to Europe again in 1867. In New York, he kept a studio in the same building as many of the eminent Hudson River School artists of the time.

His landscape work of the 1860s is completely in the late Hudson River School tradition though Bellows painted individuals more noticeably in his scenes than most artists, he exceeded at figurative scenes.

Albert Fitch Bellows likewise contrasted with most Hudson River School artists in that he ended up also very talented at watercolor painting, and wrote a respected book regarding the matter. He eventually kept two studios, one for oil painting and one for watercolor. He was a member of the American Watercolor Society and an honorary member of the Royal Belgian Society of Water-Colorists.

Albert Fitch Bellows additionally mastered etching, alongside Samuel Colman he was perhaps the only other Hudson River School artist to do so and also became a member of the New York Etching Club, the Philadelphia Society of Etchers, and the Royal Society of Painter-Etchers, and Engravers in London, a regarded association whose individuals included James Abbott McNeill Whistler and Francis Seymour Haden.

Art Movement History: Hudson River School.
He Traveled To France, England, Netherland.
Artist's Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist, with text adapted from Wikipedia.

Albert Fitch Bellows Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.

Albert Fitch Bellows Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.

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