Adrianus Eversen Biography | Oil Painting Reproductions
1-13-1818 Amsterdam, NED - 12-1-1897 Delft, NED
Adrianus Eversen was trained under the painter Cornelis de Kruyff, who introduced him to painting old Dutch cityscapes. He was also a pupil of the well-known Dutch townscape painter Cornelis Springer, who was only one year older than Eversen. Under his instructions, Eversen developed a brilliant compositional structure, a warm color scheme, and elaborated details.
Both painters were students of Hendrik Gerrit Ten Cate at the same time and usually painted contemporary regional cityscapes. In his choice of subjects, Eversen allowed himself more artistic freedom. He painted imaginary cityscapes, a mixture of real existing buildings and purely imaginative buildings and scenes, unlike the more realistic representations of Springer.
Adrianus Eversen was to compete with Springer for patrons throughout their lives. He painted many views of Amsterdam, where he worked and exhibited between 1840 and 1885. Eversen took liberties or 'artistic license' when it came to subject matter, and arranged city views in such a way that an already beautiful townscape arose instead.
Adrianus Eversen was a highly regarded artist during his lifetime; he became a member of the artist association Arts and Amicitae in 1863 and was widely collected in Holland and also Great Britain.
The everyday life of people, Dutch architecture, and the effect of sunlight played a major role in his work. One of Adrianus Eversen's descendants was the painter Johannes Hendrik Eversen.
Artists Influencing Adrianus Eversen: Cornelis de Kruyff, Cornelis Springer.
Artist's Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist, with text adapted from Wikipedia.
Adrianus Eversen Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.
Adrianus Eversen Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.
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