Adelsteen Normann Biography | Oil Paintings

5-1-1848 Bodin, NOR - 12-26-1918 Oslo, NOR

Normann, Adelsteen

Adelsteen Normann at the age of twenty-one moved to Germany to study at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf from 1869 to 1872, under the Estonian painter Eugen Dücker, his paintings belong to the Düsseldorf School of painting.

Adelsteen Normann lived in Berlin from 1883 but traveled back to Norway each summer to paint the fjords of Norway. Normann and Hans Dahl both had large wooden villas near Balestrand on the edge of the Sognefjord where they would entertain and paint.

Normann lived at the same time as his fellow countryman, Edvard Munch. Normann had seen Munch's work when he had been exhibiting at Kristiania, Norway. He wrote to Munch asking if he would be interested in exhibiting his work in Berlin, and Munch was so happy that he packed up his exhibition in 1892 and went to Berlin where he met Normann. The exhibit caused such a commotion that the Berlin artists split into two groups. It was suspected that Normann's invitation to Munch was to cause such a split.

Normann notably exhibited at the prestigious Salon de Paris from 1882. His photo-realistic oil paintings earned a 'Mention Honorable' in 1884 and he was awarded a bronze medal in 1889, he also exhibited in Oslo, Berlin, London, Vienna, Düsseldorf, Munich, and Paris.

Art Movement: Realism.
Artists Influencing Adelsteen Normann: Eugen Dücker.
He Traveled To Germany.
Artist Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist, with text adapted from Wikipedia.

Adelsteen Normann Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.

Adelsteen Normann Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.

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