Addison Thomas Millar Biography | Oil Paintings
4-1860 Warren, Ohio USA - 1-16-1913 Norwalk, Connecticut USA

Addison Thomas Millar must have been a young artist of evident talent, at least from the point of view of the sponsors of the magazine, The Youth's Companion, for they awarded him prizes for three consecutive years, 1877-1879 when Millar was only seventeen years old.
Addison Thomas Millar moved to Cleveland in 1879, he studied with DeScott Evans and began painting portraits as well as landscapes. He then moved to New York City in 1883 where he worked at the Art Students League, studying etching and painting. Millar was a pupil of landscape painter William M. Chase during 1892 at the Shinnecock School. He held exhibitions in Philadelphia, Boston and Chicago galleries, as well as the Society of American Artists and the National Academy of Design.
In 1894, Addison Thomas Millar studied in Paris under Giovanni Boldini, Benjamin Constant, and Henri Martin, and exhibited at the Salon Champs de Mars. Millar painted in Holland the following summer. In 1895, he studied again with Chase, this time in Spain.
The paintings and etchings of Addison Thomas Millar are represented in numerous museums. He was a member of the Salmagundi Club and Silvermine Artists Guild. Millar was killed in a car accident in 1913.
Art Movement: Orientalism.
Artists Influencing Addison Thomas Millar: William Merritt Chase, DeScott Evans, Boldini, Benjamin Constant, Henri Martin.
He Traveled To France, Spain.
Artist Biography compiled by Albert L. Mansour at The World's Artist.
Addison Thomas Millar Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions.
Addison Thomas Millar Museum Art Replicas on Canvas.
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