Futurism Art Movement
Italy, 1907 - 1944
Futurism Art Movement, History, Futurist Oil Paintings & Artists.
The Futurist or Futurism art movement is the predecessor and foundation of 20th-century abstract art. Futurism is the most significant artistic movement in twentieth-century Italian art history.
The artists central to the movement sought to turn art on its head by debunking the notion that art should copy nature. They began experimenting with creating two-dimensional images on canvas for the very reason that the canvas has two dimensions. The Futurists believed that youth were strong and did not need to rely on the traditions of the past but should forge their own artistic ideas. This avant-garde movement changed the face of art and brought it into the modern era.
Futurism Embraced Movement, Action, Noise, and Dynamism.
In the years preceding World War I, the group of Futurist painters, writers, and musicians was one of the most active and exciting avant-garde movements in Europe. Founded by famous artists Umberto Boccioni and Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (an original and brilliant writer), Futurism rejected the past and embraced movement, action, noise, and dynamism, with its vivid and energetic expression of the world, as seen in Umberto Boccioni: The City Rises. The youth of early 20th century Italy wanted to leave the past behind and instead look to the technological achievements of man. They wanted to see where they would be heading in the future. The Futurists were not the only ones interested in these things or initiating movements around them; the Russians and English had similar ideas and groups.
Boccioni created the pivotal Futurist oil paintings. During the period that Cubism was also evolving, they drew inspiration from it. Boccioni sought a "simultaneous vision" of figures and objects in painting and sculpture. The vivid colors, vibrant brushstrokes, and the motifs themselves, chosen for their strong symbolic impact, communicate a positive creativity that celebrates progress, technology, steel, and all things modern, and in turn inspire other twentieth-century modernist movements.
The Futurists, inspired as they were by the Cubists, also fractured objects, but they chose subject matter that meshed with their obsessions: machines and urban scenes. Moving machines are similar to the philosophy of futurists, which is centered on moving forward. One of the main visual differences between Cubist and Futurist art is the movement inherent in Futurist pieces such as The Red Horseman by Carlo Carra, or Giacomo Balla: The Hand Of The Violinist. The Futurists also took from other movements, such as the technique of division that breaks down light and color into lines and stippling.
Other Futurist artists include: Kasimir Malevich, Liubov Popova
Partly from: TheArtist.me
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