Abstract Art Movement

Europe, 1901- Present Day

Abstract Art Paintings, Abstract Art Movements, and Abstract Artists.

Abstract art is a term utilized for an assortment of modern art movements that withdraw from practical delineations of anything, falling between semi-abstraction and recognizable to wholly abstract, with the title from the famous painter offering some recommendation of what it may be.

What is Abstract Art?

In the abstract art movement, the visual is what is essential. The shades of paint or the line of a drawing or the surface of the media are as critical in present-day modern art as the practical depiction of a still life in a realistic artwork. The abstract does not delineate a man, place, or thing in the normal world in its oil paintings. The subject of the work depends on what you see: color, shapes, brushstrokes, size, and/or scale. These five things make up abstract artwork..

The art history course of events recognizes the mid-1900's as the beginning of this masterful movement. Artists attempted to create pure art, works that reflected the artist's creative energy rather than a perceived visual object. Compelling works from this period include Romantic Landscape by the artist Wassily Kandinsky and Francis Picabia's Edtaonisl (Ecclesiastic).

The Abstract art movement evolved from Impressionism and Expressionism, which were moving away from realistic styles at that time, and developed into the Cubism and Fauvism movements.

Kandinsky, the Genius behind Abstract Art.

Wassily Kandinsky was a Russian painter in the Expressionist movement who was one of the earliest painters to break out into the abstract movement as its own. His book, “On the Spiritual in Art,” motivated and formed the foundation of the Abstract movement. He established the German Expressionist movement, Der Blaue Reiter. Kandinsky believed that colors elicited emotions.Red was vivacious and certain, Green was tranquil with an inward quality, Blue was profound and otherworldly, Yellow was warm, energizing or aggravating, and white was quiet but full of potential.

Other Abstract Art Movements.

Cubism: Cubism was practiced in the early careers of the most renowned Abstract artists. Cubism sought to take the common things and rethink them on a 2D canvas with 3D perspectives. Cubism was led by Picasso and Braque.

Abstract Expressionism: valued investigating the mind and sentiments of the artist making the work. The abstract movement hit its stride in 1940s New York with Jackson Pollock, Lee Krasner, and Willem de Kooning.

Russian Suprematism: Kasimir Malevich founded and named this movement. The movement has faith in the matchless quality of sensation, and the art is portrayed regularly by straightforward states of color on a solitary white color canvas.

De Stijl: Created by Theo van Doesburg, this abstract movement was a gathering of Dutch artists with their own journal. One of the most acclaimed members was Piet Mondrian, who is known for his compositions of clean lines and squares in three to four primary colors.

The highest price paid for an abstract painting was $186 million for Rothko’s No. 6 (Violet, Green, and Red) in August 2014.

Other famous Abstract Artists include: Lee Krasner, Willem de Kooning, Adolph Gottlieb, Franz Kline, Karel Appel, Robert Motherwell, Natalia Goncharova, Carlo Carra, Umberto Boccioni, Mark Rothko

Adapted in part from About Education and TheArtist.me

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