100% Hand-Painted Oil Painting Reproductions, Portraits in Oil from Photos, and much more!
Greetings, this is What We Do at The World's Artist.
We specialize in hand-painted oil painting reproductions on canvas by artists, colors, or subject matter , by famous artists found in art museums worldwide. Moreover, we are experts in oil painting portraits based on your photographs , pet portraits , and oil paintings of your home . We have helped countless thousands of satisfied customers tastefully decorate their lovely homes and offices, one wall at a time.
When Did we Start in the Art Business?
Read the intriguing story behind The World's Artist. In 2006, upon meeting a skilled painter in L.A., who was reproducing a painting in an art museum, an idea developed, a partnership was formed, and a web business was born. Fifteen years later, TheWorldsArtist.com has many talented painters who only do hand-painted oil painting reproductions on canvas as well as home, pet, and people portraits from photographs, and custom made artwork.
What is featured on The World's Artist Art Gallery Website?
We have carefully added a few novel features typically based on customer suggestions besides our oil painting reproductions on canvas. Our customers respectfully suggested the following ideas, and after we thoughtfully responded, "What?", we implemented and naturally added these products and services.
What is an Oil Painting Photo Mock-Up?
E-mail us a digital photograph of any room in your pleasant house or office, and carefully pick a painting reproduction you genuinely like. We combine both images and do a photo mock-up for you. You can now visualize the artwork in your home or office, in your living room or bedroom with your wall color and nick-knacks. Pretty cool. Look at our wall art mock-up photo .
What is a Made to Order or Custom Oil Painting?
Customers kept sending us incredible photos of all sorts of remarkable things. Images they took from decorating or illustrated travel magazines, books, galleries, or even art in coffee houses. They all politely asked the same question: "Can you paint an oil painting for me from this photo?" After we typically remarked "what?" again, we faithfully implemented and included this excellent service. Bespoke, Made-to-order, or Custom oil paintings from photos are what we call them. You are looking at a travel magazine, and you see a gorgeous photo, and you say to yourself, "Self, this would be beautiful artwork in my home." Promptly take a shot and e-mail us the photo, describe to us the appropriate size you typically want, and we will naturally create a custom oil painting from your photograph. Please see our made-to-order oil paintings .
What are Then & Now Photography and Tilt-Shift Photography?
For innocent fun and also a bit of art history, we developed the remarkably interesting Then and Now, plus Tilt-Shift painting photos . Today, you can visit the locations that inspired legendary artists. We scoured the world to discover the exact locations where the artists set up their easels to paint. We photographed it as it appears today. Instantly, you can view side-by-side photos of the original oil paintings and the present-day locations. You can see what lovely or fascinating thing they saw that captured their artistic imagination enough for them to paint it.
Can a renowned oil painting be re-interpreted in a creative new way? Using museum oil paintings, we decided to try to see what would typically happen. We took some of the world's most renowned oil paintings by the most distinguished painters and, using selective focus (tilt-shift), have undoubtedly made fantastic new interpretations of some of their classic artwork.
Nothing in these oil paintings was intentionally altered, and the results range from a unique look of miniaturization to one of 3-D, as you will undoubtedly discover. We are confident you will discover several paintings that you have never seen until now. Take a fresh look at Tilt-Shift paintings by many accomplished painters, such as Achenbach, Bierstadt, Constable, El Greco, Guillaumin, Picabia, Turner, and of course, tilt-shift Van Gogh. See them all in our THEN & NOW art section.
See our Talented Artists Painting in our Art Studio.
We have two dedicated pages that will accurately describe what we typically do and how we do it with authentic pictures. Look at our artists and our studio pages. You will see the variety and scope of the type of artwork we can do and have done. As a result, we offer everything from small custom-made artwork to large reproduction oil paintings, as well as pet, home, and people portraiture!
Our remarkable painters are all incredibly talented. When it is time to complete a specific work of art for you, not everyone can do it. Well, why is that? A skilled painter typically painting a flower still life might not be able to successfully create a dog portrait oil painting from your photo and vice-versa. Our experienced management and senior artists will determine who is best suited to paint your chosen work. There is no rocket science to it, but it is an art science.
How Did Renoir Paint Oil Paintings and Portraits?
We paint in the same way that Rembrandt and Renoir painted. We use paintbrushes, oil paints, canvas, an artist's palette, and a Mahl stick. They painted that way, and we also do it that way, 100% painted by hand on canvas. If they liked a particular artist or wanted to express themselves in the same artistic style, then in addition to their Academy training, the art museum was the place to go. Many now-famous painters were required as part of their studies to visit museums and recreate famous oil paintings on location. You can read the art movements and artist biography sections about the many artists that started doing what we are doing, painting oil painting reproductions of famous art masterpieces.
The Website is not Complete 🧐
That is good because we constantly add new painters, selected artwork, and other cool stuff. It is a constant process to keep it fresh, so we will never complete it. We just added two more informative sections. That is good because we constantly add new painters, selected artwork, and other cool stuff. It is a constant process to keep it fresh, so we will never complete it. We just added two more informative sections. Art Canvas Sizes will help you visualize the various painting sizes, and Oil Painting Care will inform you about the proper care of oil paintings in your home. Both can be viewed in our footnote section below.
If there is anything you would like us to include on our informative website, please let us know. We might ask "what?" one more time, and then... surprise. We would be delighted to hear from you. We listen carefully to our satisfied customers, stay connected, gain insight from them, and develop a level of mutual trust.
Finally, a heartfelt thank you to all our customers, past and present. We look forward to being of valuable service to you now and into the future.