The World's Artist Oil Painting Reproductions & Portraiture
Museum Quality, Hand Painted, Oil Painting Reproductions on Canvas

Choose from thousands of art replicas by the world's most renowned artists. Hand-painted, museum reproduction oil paintings. Cezanne, Monet, Klimt, Van Gogh, and hundreds more painters to choose from in our art gallery. Any art movement, any style, any subject, and any size.
Personal Portrait Oil Painting from a Photo

People, family, and friends all want their portraits done on canvas. Immortalize your selfie. Look at our beautiful portraiture section.
Hand-Painted, Custom-Made Oil Paintings from Your Photos!

Anything you see, anywhere, anytime, take a photograph and send it to us. A photo from a decorating magazine, art in a hotel lobby, even street art you see. We turn your photos into art. A custom, made-to-order work of fine art for you. Look at some ideas for where to get inspiration.
Pet Portrait Oil Painting from Your Photos

Your favorite dog, cat, horse, or pet will be painted in oil on canvas from your picture by our portrait artists. See our darling pet portraiture section.
Famous Painter Biographies & Museum Quality Oil Painting Reproductions

Their stories will surprise and entertain you; some are sad, and some are unbelievable. Some were poor, some were renowned in their lifetimes, and others only after their early deaths. Read their fascinating biographies and see their many works of art reproduced here.
Home Portrait Made from Your House Photo

Our talented painters will create a 100% hand-painted work of art of your house for your house.
THEN & NOW Famous Painting Locations and The All-New TILT-SHIFT Oil Painting Photos

See the locations where the artists set up their easels to paint. Look at side-by-side photo comparisons of the sites and their artwork. Also included in this section are the new Tilt-Shift photos of famous oil paintings, including tilt-shift Van Gogh and many others.
Oil Painting Reproduction Wall Art Photo Mock-Up.

Would you like to have a reproduction of an oil painting in your home? E-mail us a photo. We will mock up your photo with your chosen art replica in your decor.